Date: 26/05/1940
Squadron Code: TR-A

Serial Number: Blenheim IV?

Flight/Mission Details:

Base; Andover
Take off time: 0500hrs.
Op: Road recco

RAF Form 541:

Recco carried out from BOOS near Rouen.


Low ground mist over AMIENS. GLISY areodrome deserted.

Heavy A.A fire at 3500ft. N5810.

Troop concentration observed in wood at HESDIN, Light A.A FIRE AT ABBEVILLE destroyed elevator control cables. Crew instructed to bail out at 3000ft.

Sgt Kirk went out of front hatch at 3500ft.

AC Pryde unable to open rear hatch. Called him to front cockpit with idea of jumping out the front hatch. When he came forward, aircraft improved trim - set course for home - landed at ANDOVER..

RAF Form 540: P/O REYNOLDS returned u/s badly shot up (written off). Observer bailed out (Sgt Kirk), Pilot brought back a.g, landed at Andover.






Crew Details:

All lost:

Source: C/C Losses - McNeill

During WWII, the RAF used three-letter codes to identify their aircraft from a distance. Two large letters were painted before the roundel, which signified the squadron to which the aircraft belonged, and another letter was painted after the roundel which indicated the individual aircraft. Aditionally, there was the individual serial number for each aircraft, which was painted in a much smaller size, usually somewhere at the rear of the aircraft: (more)

Codes used by RAF 59 Squadron:

PJ Sep 1938 - Sep 1939
TR Sep 1939 - Oct 1942
1 Aug 1943 - Jul 1944
WE Jul 1944 - Oct 1945
BY Oct 1945 - Jun 1946, Dec 1947 - Oct 1950